
TOP News Notice of Change of ジパング カジノ


Notice of Change of ジパング カジノ

Please be advised that effective from December 19, 2018, ジパング カジノ Kyoto Ryogaemachi-dori will revise its housekeeping services with new regulation.
Consequently, the new Housekeeping Service will be applied to the reservation made after October 1, 2018.
The changed contents are as follows;

ジパング カジノ
For guests staying up to 6 nights, we provide LIMITED HOUSEKEEPING services which include
- emptying trash cans, replacing towels, bath mats and dental kits. Limited housekeeping does NOT include -
dusting, vacuuming, making beds and cleaning the bathroom.
7For guests staying 7 nights and more, we provide FULL HOUSEKEEPING services which include
- changing linens, towels and bath mats, replenishing bathroom supplies, making beds, dusting and polishing
furniture, vacuuming floors and cleaning the bathroom.

We thank you for your kindly understanding and cooperation.